Welcome! LGBTQIA+ Astrophotographers · Lilith Gaither · ... · 2 · 96 · 0

Soundologist 8.05
·  1 like
We're so glad you're here! I'm starting this thing late at night for me, so I don't have much to put here at the moment. Feel free to introduce yourself, and always feel free to message me with ideas or suggestions for improvement.
KathyNS 5.12
·  1 like
Thank you for creating this group, Lily.  There are quite a few of us here, I think.

By way of introduction, I am 62, Canadian, and I qualify for membership under two letters of the "alphabet soup": I am both L and T.  I have found nothing but acceptance in the astronomy communities, both in real life and online.
Soundologist 8.05
·  1 like
That is encouraging to hear, Kathy. As lettuce and tomato myself (no bacon, insofar as I can tell), I am pleased to hear it. I can't wait to see what becomes of this group in the future.
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