Ideal subjects for antlia triband filter Antlia Triband RGB Ultra Filter - 2.00'' Mounted · Alfontheroad · ... · 5 · 384 · 4

Alfontheroad 0.00
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I recently bought the Antlia triband filter and beyond the characteristics praised by the manufacturer I would like to understand which are the ideal subjects on which to use these filters and on which ones it would be appropriate to use other ones such as narrow band filters for example
Clear skies!
Itto-Ogami 3.81
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Check out my last few images in my profile. I have used this filter for my last 6 images and have given my thoughts on this filter in the descriptions. I have done both broadband and narrowband targets. Be Well and clear skies!

Itto (Jim)
FotografiabyMiguel 3.61
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I recommend checking out @Itto Ogami  posts, he has great work with the Antlia TriBand filter.
GreatNeckObservatory 0.00
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I am pretty much using this filter exclusively now for general nebula imaging.  I am having great success with it.  My only observation is that I seem to have to edit some of the green left over after processing.  I use SNCR in PIX to get rid of the final green tint left over.  Not sure if that is the filter, or the way that I process the image.  Other than that, I am very happy with it.  You can check out my page Great Neck Observatory to see examples of targets that I have gotten in the last half a year since I got the filter.  Clear Skies
Semper_Iuvenis 3.10
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I have also gone to the Antila Broadband light pollution filters. I use the quadband with my ar sensor on the 071mc pro.  I use it for reflection nebula, galaxies, and star clusters.  I have yet to try it with emission nebula as I generally image those with the radian ultra quadband narrowband filter.  The Antila are really nice light pollution filters!
BrineyEye 1.20
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I was using the Triband for everything for several months (Bortle 4). It works really well for me to bring up the Ha and OIII significantly while still working with reflection nebulae. It helps significantly with my doublet's chromatic aberration to cut down on blue halos, as does the Astronomik L-3 UV/IR cut that I've been trying out the last couple of weeks. Here are some Triband examples:

Orion (M 42).jpegBat and Squid (SH2_129 and OU-4) .jpegHind's Variable (NGC 1555).jpegDolphin Head (SH2 308).jpeg
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