Takahashi FSQ-85EDX- 1.0X Flattener and Chroma 3nm SHO Filter HALOS -SII Takahashi FSQ-85EDX · Brian Diaz · ... · 7 · 177 · 3

bdm201170 2.62

here are  my first masters of HA , SII and OIII  with my new setup (Takahashi FSQ-85EDX- 1.0X Flattener  and  Chroma 3nm SHO Filter)
for my surprise in the SII  master there are two stars with HALOS ( Tejat and Propus ) any ideas 

i would appreciate any suggestions 

just stretched, not DBE or anything else 

thank you 

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skybob727 6.08
·  1 like
As I stated in the other post about the FSQ-85EDX, mine was an earlier version, just the FSQ-85ED, and I never had any issues with halos or the hourglass effect
on any stars. I also use Chroma 3nm SHO filters as well with no halos, so it must be in the design of the EDX, and or the flatteners or reducers as I can also see the hourglass effect on the two bright stars in your image as well. I don't think the halos are filter related.

Just a thought.
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bdm201170 2.62
thank you for you help
tedmickle 0.00
·  1 like
I have the same setup with FSQ-85 ED, 1.01 reducer and Chroma 3nm SHO filters, and get the same “inverse lighthouse“ effect.  I contacted Takahashi America in Houston, spoke with a gentleman who owns two FSQ-85s and was told that pattern is due to diffraction and is intrinsic to the Petzval design.
milkywayrod22 0.00
·  1 like
I also have a Takahashi 85 ED FSQ.  The hourglass appearance on very bright stars is present on all my images using Astrodon LFGB filters.
bdm201170 2.62
yes the light house  on very bright stars is a takahashi signature or pattern 
 the problem is with the halos around the bright stars only SII
dunk 1.81
·  1 like
How to fix the lighthouse effect: https://www.astrobin.com/forum/c/astrophotography/deep-sky-processing-techniques/a-way-to-fix-the-so-called-inverted-lighthouse-or-hourglass-effect-caused-by-the-tak-fsq-85-edx-on-some-bright-stars/
bdm201170 2.62
·  1 like
thank you dunk
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