GraXpert 2.0 and PixInsight Script Steffen Hirtle GraXpert · Frank Sackenheim · ... · 154 · 12805 · 15

Joël-VALLIER 0.00
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AstroBin@RSF 0.00
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THANK YOU!.  I had not noticed the statement about having to be at the later build.  I was only about 7 builds behind, but itmade all the difference.
macnenia 5.44
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After a recent upgrade to PixInsight on a MAC silicon chip (PixInsight 1.8.9-2), I now get a message.  (I have tried following some of the suggestions about deleting files but still don't get the script for GraXpert to work in PixInsight.Processing script file: /Applications/PixInsight/src/scripts/Toolbox/Graxpert.js*** Error: Signature verification failed for 'GraXpert': Invalid code signature: /Applications/PixInsight/src/scripts/Toolbox/Graxpert.js

I have had the same issue with all 3 of the computers where I run PI, either Windows 10 or 11. A bit annoying really, since I just installed the program on all three computers 2 or 3 weeks ago. The stand alone version of GraXPert works fine....and I do really like the programs capability.
Joël-VALLIER 0.00
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For the toolbox script (your case), you need last PixInsight 1.8.9-2 build 1605.
I cannot give more support.

For new PixInsight process, featured in official GraXpert 3.0 (
you need PixInsight version 1.8.9-2 build 1597 or higher.
I'm the developper and I can provide all support.
More information on Process here:

What is confusing is that when you do a check for updates in PixInsight,
PixInsight actually just check scripts and process versions.
There is no check at all on PixInsight version itself.

To verify if you have last up to date PixInsight version,
you have to go here:
and download/install last version.

I hope this help.
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Rightmid08 0.00
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