New focuser suggestions Sky-Watcher Explorer 150P · Menelaos · ... · 5 · 128 · 0

Menelaos 0.00
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Hi guys! I’m looking to upgrade the focuser on my Newt SkyWatcher 150p explorer. I already bought from AliExpress the CYCK focuser but i’m not really happy with it. Every time the EAF changes direction the image shift a little bit and although it hasn’t cause any noticeable issues it bothers me. This also means that the focuser tube is not stable and with time it could cause worse tilting issues. It also suffers from light leaks which i couldn’t locate and eliminate yet. So i’m looking for suggestions for a more sturdy choice at a budget of around 300€ (maybe even 400€).
Note: i’m
using the TS GPU coma corrector which bring the focus point outward by few millimetres together with the ZWO ASI2600mc pro, an OAG and filter drawer. All of these contribute to the weight i guess. 
What do you guys think? Thanks!
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andreatax 8.80
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A focuser with integrated rotator at the base? BAD idea in my book. However, the warning was quite clear from one reseller (and incidentally, few pixels shift do nothing to the end results) :

- There is a slight object drift when rotating forward and reversed.
Menelaos 0.00
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andrea tasselli:
A focuser with integrated rotator at the base? BAD idea in my book. However, the warning was quite clear from one reseller (and incidentally, few pixels shift do nothing to the end results) :

- There is a slight object drift when rotating forward and reversed.

Thank you for the clarification. I wasn’t aware that having a rotator at the base was a bad idea. I’m here to learn, if nothing else. As I mentioned, I’m looking for suggestions, and it would be very helpful if you could provide one. Thank you.
triplej3 0.00
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Hey mate

I'm using a hercules rack and pinion focuser on my 250pds. have had no issues what so ever with it lots of similar focuser options out there with bases attached. If rack and pinion isn't your thing baader steelrack for newts I believe is crayford style.

I also use a baader clicklock with my focuser.

 Check out Omegon focusers pritty sure they are rebrands (:

Good luck!
andreatax 8.80
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Thank you for the clarification. I wasn’t aware that having a rotator at the base was a bad idea. I’m here to learn, if nothing else. As I mentioned, I’m looking for suggestions, and it would be very helpful if you could provide one. Thank you.

*Well, the warning was in the Aliexpress page I  visited so the expectation was there, wasn't it?

At any rate these ones should do the job with capacity to spare. Be warned that you might need an extension and it needs to be screwed on the original focuser as the length of the GPU is a significant concern here:

Teleskop-Express: TS-Optics 2" Low Profile Rack And Pinion Newtonian Focuser - 8 kg Payload-TSRPN2
Teleskop-Express: TS-Optics 2 Inch UNC Gen. 2 Newtonian Focuser with additional thread - loads up to 5 kg-UNCN2-G2
paulsson 0.00
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Some time ago I was also looking for a focuser for my 150PDS, but gave up after some research.
The background to this is that I couldn't get into focus with the ZWO OAG on my setup (seems I have a good copy of the Baader Clicklock ;-) ), so I was looking for alternatives. However, I seem to remember that many focusers only really fit from the 200P or 8 inch upwards, even if this is not explicitly described in the details. Therefore you have to be a bit more careful.

I'm currently relatively happy with the standard focuser (the 10:1 that comes with the PDS) again, after having adjusted it properly. For the time being, I have to leave out the OAG and use the separate guiding telescope. Not a big deal with such focal lengths.

That's why I have to follow this thread closely.
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