Soul Nebula Constructive Critique Requested · Christopher Stobie · ... · 2 · 76 · 0

stobiewankenobi 1.51
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Since everyone else is posting their Soul I'd also love some critique on mine!
Deil 0.00
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It's too pastel for me. Some people like it, of course, but it loses its naturalness. Your photo of Horsehead Nebula is much better and more natural.
Edited ...
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Too much saturation for sure. A little bit less would make this look much better. It also seems that the sharpening was done a bit harsh, especially around the area of the "hammer". Although I was a fan of a very dark background as well in my "earlier" times (and I am still) I admit that it looks more natural if the background is not as dark. If you use PI, the background around K=0.08 looks nicer.
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