How good in the Rokinon 135mm? What else is in it's class? Camera Lens Astrophotography · Deep Sky West (Lloyd) · ... · 38 · 1650 · 1

sixburg 0.00
I does not move in and out when focusing.  In our configuration the stabilizing ring is situated just behind the lens shield and on the actual lens body which remains stationary.
Minseok.Chang 0.00
Bill Mark:
Rokinon does not have internal focusing motor so I use the system
Sorry for the confusion, does the Rokinon lens move in and out when you focus or remain fixed? If the lens does not move then you need to achieve focus near infinity indication for the best imaging field

Bill, Thank you for your advice.
Rokinon lens does not move during focus.
I could  acheive focus near infinity with the help of inserting 1mm washer between EOS adaptor and tmount adapter (to compensate astrodon filter thickness)

My system is almost same as below image.
I tighten the belt to avoid belt slippage.
Because I do not use lens mount ring, I think this is the reason of elongated star of up-right-corner.
darkstar3d 0.00

Those pics from DSW look so great, I'm ordering the 135mm to go along with my 16mm. I still need to master the 16mm first!
sixburg 0.00
Thanks, Stacy. Welcome to the Roki  club. You're going to love getting closer to some of the great targets.
leveye 0.00
Just picked up a very nice and hard to find Asanuma 135mm f2.8 that is very sharp corner to corner wide open for about $15 dollars. Can't wait to try it.
darkstar3d 0.00
Chris Levitan:
Just picked up a very nice and hard to find Asanuma 135mm f2.8 that is very sharp corner to corner wide open for about $15 dollars. Can't wait to try it.
Any chance to use it yet?
RK 0.00
I use Canon 200mm f/2.8L IS USM ll.

I'll second that, this lens is doing a very decent job at F/2.8 and is great between F/3.2 and F/4. The lateral chromatic aberration is still visible in the corners but a per-channel scaling should get rid of it. One of the problems with all of these (if you have a good copy) remains the axial chromatic aberration which can be disturbing if you're taking broadband, or worse, multi-band images such as with CLS and UHC filters (and a color sensor). Finding the right focus can be a bit of a pain.
Has anyone tried the new Zeiss Milvus 135mm lens?
Richard_Bratt 0.00
Has anyone tried the new Zeiss Milvus 135mm lens?

I haven't, but I have used the Zeiss 135 f/2 APO Sonnar ZF.2 for wide field imaging and it is fantastic -- but you can buy a whole lots of Samyang/Rokinon 135s for the same price and everything I read leads me to believe it would give the Zeiss a run for its money.
Edited ...
Patxitron 0.00
The frontal lens moves in and out when focusing, but it does inside the filter thread cylinder which remains fixed.
JuergenB 1.20
Hi everyone,
I am just new in this group. I saw a Samyang 135 mm f/2 advertised in one of our astronomy forums at a quite cheap price. The seller claimed that the lens might be defective, showing distinct reflections around brighter stars. I asked him to send some example shots and confirmed that there are ugly reflections but besides that, stars are pinpoint from center to edges. I wondered about the reddish cast of the photographs and asked him whether his Canon is modded. He confirmed that and also wrote that he was using a CLS filter. I assume that the reflections might have been caused by the sensor / filters combination and took the risk to purchase the lens. My hardware will be very different, I will go for wide angle narrowband photography with my QSI 583ws and Astrodon filters. Hopefully, the reflections will not show up. Are there any experiences available from forum members here?

sixburg 0.00
Hi Juergen,
The configuration you're planning is exactly what we are using:  Rokinon `135mm + QSI583ws + Astrodons in 1.25" inserts.  We do see reflections caused by well-positioned bright stars just out of the field.  I would call these refections typical of certain lenses in that they look like lens flare of the type you see in terrestrial photos with the sun or other bright off-axis light source.  Bright stars in the field can cause issues too, but in neither case has the lens proven to be anywhere near unusable for these reason.

These are all the Rokinon images I've posted here (~40 images with a few others mixed in):  Rokinon @ DSW.

Bright star in the field without much of a flare issue:  Bright Star

Sometimes you'll see a thing that looks like a drop of water in a way I can describe it.  These can be fixed in post.

Hope this helps,
JuergenB 1.20
Hi Llloyd,

Thanks a lot for your feedback. The wide-field photographs from DSW are really marvellous. The flares I was referring to are just surrounding the bright stars, like those produced by certain brands of interference filters. There are hundreds of examples in the internet where you can see those reflections around Alnitak. At the corners of the seller's test shot, these reflections look like ice cream cones. I am quite confident though that it will be much different with my Astrodon filters and QSI camera. I guess, however, that photographing with the Samyang (Rokinon) will not have top priority for me. I recently got my FSQ-85 back from repair (collimation or something else, Takahashi Europe did not disclose what they exactly did) and now it shows perfect star shapes. I am keen to do narrowband photography with the reducer at f=328 mm and the QSI 583. It is a huge gain in sky area versus the field at f=450 mm and the Atik 460EX (meanwhile sold).

Mau_Bard 3.54
·  1 like
In my experience the Samyang (Ronikon) 135 mm is ok, yet the Sigma 135 mm f/1.8 Art produces much less aberrations in the corners. I owned them both.
It is also true that, with the recent AI upgrade, BlurXterminator can correct extraordinarily well the short focal aberrations, including the Samyang's.
Hope this helps.
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