Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Monoceros (Mon)  ·  Contains:  31 Gem)  ·  Al Zirr (ξ Gem  ·  Christmas Tree Cluster  ·  IC 447  ·  IC 448  ·  NGC 2237  ·  NGC 2238  ·  NGC 2239  ·  NGC 2246  ·  NGC 2264  ·  Rosette A  ·  Rosette B  ·  Rosette Nebula  ·  The star 12 Mon  ·  The star 13 Mon  ·  The star 14 Mon  ·  The star 15 Mon  ·  The star 16 Mon  ·  The star 17 Mon  ·  The star 18 Mon  ·  The star 32 Gem  ·  The star Alzirr
NGC 2264 Christmas Tree, NGC 2238 Rosette Nebula, Kohoutek 2-2, Monoceros SNR G206.9+2.3, Sh2-280, Rolf Dietrich
NGC 2264 Christmas Tree, NGC 2238 Rosette Nebula, Kohoutek 2-2, Monoceros SNR G206.9+2.3, Sh2-280
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NGC 2264 Christmas Tree, NGC 2238 Rosette Nebula, Kohoutek 2-2, Monoceros SNR G206.9+2.3, Sh2-280

NGC 2264 Christmas Tree, NGC 2238 Rosette Nebula, Kohoutek 2-2, Monoceros SNR G206.9+2.3, Sh2-280, Rolf Dietrich
NGC 2264 Christmas Tree, NGC 2238 Rosette Nebula, Kohoutek 2-2, Monoceros SNR G206.9+2.3, Sh2-280
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NGC 2264 Christmas Tree, NGC 2238 Rosette Nebula, Kohoutek 2-2, Monoceros SNR G206.9+2.3, Sh2-280



Acquisition details



I used an f/4 external aperture (lens Aperture Diaphragm) on both lenses. This enhances the stars in the corners of the image.
In order to create a color that is close to nature, Ha is colored red, SII yellow and OIII blue.
Unfortunately I couldn't do RGB for the reflection nebulae and the stars because of the fog coming up. So I used the red from the Ha and green and blue from the OIII for the stars.
Surprisingly, I was also able to create the blue of the reflection nebulae well from the OIII signal.

Please note the 2 rarely photographed objects on the left side of the image:
the very faint Monoceros SNR G206.9+2.3 and the Planetary Nebula Kohoutek 2-2 (PK 204+4.1)
Version B shows the annoated image.



  • Final
    NGC 2264 Christmas Tree, NGC 2238 Rosette Nebula, Kohoutek 2-2, Monoceros SNR G206.9+2.3, Sh2-280, Rolf Dietrich
  • NGC 2264 Christmas Tree, NGC 2238 Rosette Nebula, Kohoutek 2-2, Monoceros SNR G206.9+2.3, Sh2-280, Rolf Dietrich


Description: annotated

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Sky plot


NGC 2264 Christmas Tree, NGC 2238 Rosette Nebula, Kohoutek 2-2, Monoceros SNR G206.9+2.3, Sh2-280, Rolf Dietrich

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