Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)  ·  Contains:  HD202811  ·  PK080-10.1
MWP 1 with Alves 1, Peter Goodhew
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MWP 1 with Alves 1, Peter Goodhew
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Acquisition details



MWP 1 is a faint bi-polar planetary nebula in the constellation of Cygnus. It is also known as The Methuselah Nebula. It is 4,500 light years from Earth and is estimated to be 150,000 years old. The progenitor star is one of the hottest stars known, so hot it is producing large amounts of X-rays.
Alves 1 is an extremely faint 4.5 arcminute planetary nebula that was discovered by my friend Filipe Alves in 2009 - its discovery was announced in 2012.


Sky plot

Sky plot


MWP 1 with Alves 1, Peter Goodhew

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