Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Aries (Ari)  ·  Contains:  B202  ·  B203  ·  B204  ·  B205  ·  B206  ·  HD20873  ·  HD21110  ·  HD21229  ·  HD21483  ·  LBN 734  ·  LBN 740  ·  LBN 741  ·  LBN 746  ·  LDN 1448  ·  LDN 1450  ·  LDN 1451  ·  LDN 1452  ·  LDN 1455  ·  NGC 1333  ·  VdB13  ·  VdB16  ·  VdB17
NGC 1333 - Embryo Nebula, Jeff Kisslinger
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NGC 1333 - Embryo Nebula

NGC 1333 - Embryo Nebula, Jeff Kisslinger
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NGC 1333 - Embryo Nebula



Acquisition details



Wow, this one took me a while to process. I started collecting data in October and then the Midwest skies started to take over. This was my second attempt shooting this target. I originally took a swing at it a few years ago too late in the season and I could never get enough data. I eventually gave up because I realized I needed a lot of data in Bortle 7 skies to really do it justice. This time around I decided to shoot some luminance subs in order to make sure I was able to get the dark dust to show.

I have always struggled to add luminance data to RGB without washing out the color in Pixinsight. A few months ago I posted an image and referenced following the processing video from Craig Stocks at Utah Desert Remote Observatory. I really like the way he uses Pixinsight to do most of his preprocessing and then jumps over to Photoshop for the rest of the post processing. I really like his techniques and find his videos helpful. While I was processing this object I graciously requested he do a video for adding luminance to RGB data that I could follow and better understand his process. Thank you Craig! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1rRoG8U7Rs&list=PLvnhSOuXXS_Jrhi9DxIae-l55fSyzFpBR&index=9).

16 hours using the ZWO 2600MC Pro
25 hours using the ZWO 2600MM Pro
