Contains:  Solar system body or event
Plato and Vallis Alpes, Gerard ter Horst

Plato and Vallis Alpes

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging
Plato and Vallis Alpes, Gerard ter Horst

Plato and Vallis Alpes

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



This video is captured with Sharpcap (Gain 200, 3ms frames). AS!3 stacked 500 out of 1000 frames and wavelets of Registax6 prepared the stack for the final balancing in Photoshop CS2. Topaz software is used to sharpen the final result.
The seeing was quite good and I use my Baader Q - Turret 1,25x Barlow. It turned out that  the effective magnification was 1,6x.  Anyway, the Barlow used under these seeing conditions showed more details compared to the pics obtained in the prime focus.

On the floor of Plato some tiny craterlets of around  1 km diameter can be discerned. This can be expected from the C8 theoretical (Dawes) resolution  of 0.57".
A glimpse of the rille on the floor van de Vallis Alpes is noticeable.



Plato and Vallis Alpes, Gerard ter Horst