Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Canes Venatici (CVn)  ·  Contains:  NGC 4627  ·  NGC 4631  ·  NGC 4656  ·  NGC 4657  ·  Whale Galaxy
NGC 4631 & NGC 4656, Brice Fayd'Herbe
NGC 4631 & NGC 4656
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NGC 4631 & NGC 4656

NGC 4631 & NGC 4656, Brice Fayd'Herbe
NGC 4631 & NGC 4656
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NGC 4631 & NGC 4656



Acquisition details



These two galaxies exhibit distorted shapes caused by their gravitational interaction.

NGC 4631 is commonly called "The Whale," while NGC 4656 is commonly called "The Hockey Stick."

NCG 4631 has a small elliptical companion, NGC 4627, which can be seen in this image. These galaxies are about 30 million light-years from our own galaxy.

Two good nights for capturing this beautiful duo, wide field. Unfortunately, I got some tilt with my reducer/flatener, hope I will be able to fix that asap.


Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC 4631 & NGC 4656, Brice Fayd'Herbe