Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Scorpius (Sco)  ·  Contains:  10 Sco)  ·  14 Sco)  ·  4 Oph  ·  9 Sco)  ·  IC 4592  ·  IC 4601  ·  The star Jabbah (ν Sco  ·  The star Jabhat Acrabi I (ω1 Sco  ·  The star Jabhat Acrabi II (ω2 Sco  ·  The star ψ Oph
Blue Horsehead Nebula from 53 degrees north, Simon Wilson
Blue Horsehead Nebula from 53 degrees north
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Blue Horsehead Nebula from 53 degrees north

Blue Horsehead Nebula from 53 degrees north, Simon Wilson
Blue Horsehead Nebula from 53 degrees north
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Blue Horsehead Nebula from 53 degrees north



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The very famous Horsehead Nebula in Orion is not the only equine raider in the night sky. This is the much larger (but much fainter) Blue Horsehead Nebula to be found galloping across the southern skies in spring / summer. It’s a reflection nebula in the constellation of Scorpius and even at it’s highest point in the sky it only reaches 17 degrees altitude for me at 53 degrees north.  Consequently, this is a tough target to go for as I’m shooting through a lot more of the earth’s hazy atmosphere, together with the short nights this time of year.I had to push the processing quite hard to achieve what I have so it’s not the cleanest image but I’m happy enough to have ticked this one off the bucket list.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Blue Horsehead Nebula from 53 degrees north, Simon Wilson