Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Perseus (Per)  ·  Contains:  7 Per)  ·  7 chi Per  ·  8 Per  ·  Double Cluster  ·  NGC 869  ·  NGC 884  ·  PGC 168286  ·  PGC 168288  ·  PGC 168289  ·  PGC 168290  ·  PGC 2564735  ·  PGC 2570715  ·  PGC 2797010  ·  PGC 2797012  ·  PGC 2797015  ·  PGC 2797022  ·  PGC 2807107  ·  The star 8 Per  ·  The star Misam al Thurayya I (χ Per  ·  chi Persei Cluster  ·  h Persei Cluster
NGC869 - NGC884 Double Cluster, Almos Balasi
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NGC869 - NGC884 Double Cluster

NGC869 - NGC884 Double Cluster, Almos Balasi
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NGC869 - NGC884 Double Cluster



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