Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)  ·  Contains:  Crescent Nebula  ·  HD191396  ·  HD191397  ·  HD191424  ·  HD191472  ·  HD192003  ·  HD192020  ·  HD192041  ·  HD192078  ·  HD192079  ·  HD192102  ·  HD192123  ·  HD192163  ·  HD192182  ·  HD192303  ·  HD192361  ·  HD192422  ·  HD192443  ·  HD192444  ·  HD192536  ·  HD192537  ·  HD192639  ·  HD192744  ·  HD192745  ·  HD192766  ·  HD192934  ·  HD193032  ·  HD193063  ·  HD193182  ·  HD193183  ·  And 168 more.
Lost: One Soap Bubble (NGC 6888), estabrook
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Lost: One Soap Bubble (NGC 6888)

Revision title: Still Lost!

Lost: One Soap Bubble (NGC 6888), estabrook
Powered byPixInsight

Lost: One Soap Bubble (NGC 6888)

Revision title: Still Lost!



Acquisition details



I had a few unexpected clear nights last week and decided to zero in on the Crescent Nebula (NGC-6888), which gave me a chance to learn a bit more about the unique properties of Wolf-Rayet stars, which sculpted this equally unique target.  I'm really pleased with how quickly and smoothly this project came together.  The Crescent and its environs are a combination of broadband (L-Pro) and dual-narrowband (L-Enhance) data, while the stars are all broadband (L-Pro).

The one disappointment was that the 8 or so hours of data I collected here (beside a streetlight in a Bortle 8 zone) did not also reveal the Soap Bubble Nebula (PN G75.5+1.7).  I looked for it in each color channel, but alas, it was not to be.  

Still, I'm pretty excited about this one, and I hope you enjoy it.

(Captured: C6, AVX, Hyperstar, ASI183MC Pro, Optolong L-Pro and L-Enhance filters. Processed: AstroPixelProcessor, PixInsight, StarXterminator, NoiseXterminator)



  • Lost: One Soap Bubble (NGC 6888), estabrook
  • Final
    Lost: One Soap Bubble (NGC 6888), estabrook


Title: Still Lost!

Description: I'll confess--I was hoping that my reprocess, about two years after capturing this image, would reveal the soap bubble nebula. After all, my processing skills have improved, as have the tools I am using. No such luck--the soap bubble remains lost--but I like this crisper, cleaner reprocessing job nonetheless.

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Sky plot

Sky plot


Lost: One Soap Bubble (NGC 6888), estabrook

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