Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cepheus (Cep)  ·  Contains:  HD200775  ·  Iris Nebula  ·  LBN 487  ·  LDN 1170  ·  LDN 1172  ·  LDN 1173  ·  LDN 1174  ·  NGC 7023
A humble Iris Nebula, Dominik Weinbrenner
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A humble Iris Nebula

A humble Iris Nebula, Dominik Weinbrenner
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A humble Iris Nebula



Acquisition details



A small side project. I started my M33 pretty early in the season and shot the Iris Nebula while waiting for M33 to clear my roof.
The integration time did not allow to reveal most of the dust at Bortle 6, but I like the look. Has a mysterious vibe to it.
