Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)  ·  Contains:  NGC 6914
NGC 6914, Bernd Flachsbart
NGC 6914
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NGC 6914

NGC 6914, Bernd Flachsbart
NGC 6914
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NGC 6914



Acquisition details



I wanted to shoot this reflection nebula from may dark site in southern France on my last vacation.
But unfortunately the moonless week I had planned for was cloudy and the following week was clear but with a bright moon.

Obviously not the best condition to shoot a reflection nebula...
But I gave it a try anyway and it turned out better than expected.

The red nebulosity is enhanced with narrowband Ha data I had already shot in mono from my patio beforehand and was combined with the OSC data captured during the vacation.
