Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Scorpius (Sco)  ·  Contains:  IC 4605  ·  M 4  ·  NGC 6121  ·  NGC 6144  ·  The star 22Sco  ·  The star Al Niyat (σSco)  ·  The star Antares (αSco)
M4 and the mighty Antares, Gabriel Siegl
M4 and the mighty Antares
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M4 and the mighty Antares

M4 and the mighty Antares, Gabriel Siegl
M4 and the mighty Antares
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M4 and the mighty Antares



Acquisition details



Antares is my personal favorite star in the night sky.

This red Giant is about 800 times larger than our Sun and is about 607 light-years away.

If Antares were to stand in the place of our Sun, the entire inner solar system, including the orbit of Mars, could be located in this Monster.

Fortunately, next to this supergiant there are some very beautiful and colorful deep-sky objects that fit perfectly into the field of view of my setup.

The perfect south view of the Brunnalm finally allowed me to photograph this fascinating region.

I’m glad the weather was fine and I was able to collect almost 5h of data in 2 nights



  • Final
    M4 and the mighty Antares, Gabriel Siegl
  • M4 and the mighty Antares, Gabriel Siegl


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M4 and the mighty Antares, Gabriel Siegl