Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Pavo (Pav)  ·  Contains:  IC 4819  ·  NGC 6752  ·  NGC 6769  ·  NGC 6770  ·  NGC 6771
NGC6752 with bonus Devil's Mask, Richard Muhlack
NGC6752 with bonus Devil's Mask
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NGC6752 with bonus Devil's Mask

NGC6752 with bonus Devil's Mask, Richard Muhlack
NGC6752 with bonus Devil's Mask
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NGC6752 with bonus Devil's Mask



Acquisition details



Globular cluster NGC6752 in Pavo. With an apparent magnitude of 5.4 it is the 4th brightest globular cluster in the sky.
This image was captured 2 Oct 2024, with the target chosen simply as a stopgap while I was waiting for the Fornax cluster to reach a suitable altitude. What I hadn't realised until I processed the image was the 'easter egg' in the bottom left corner - the trio of galaxies NGC6769-6771, known as the Devil's Mask.


Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC6752 with bonus Devil's Mask, Richard Muhlack