Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Perseus (Per)
Potential planetary nebula FR 2-23, Jon Talbot
Potential planetary nebula FR 2-23
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Potential planetary nebula FR 2-23

Potential planetary nebula FR 2-23, Jon Talbot
Potential planetary nebula FR 2-23
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Potential planetary nebula FR 2-23



Acquisition details



Although not bright and flashy, this is the first color amateur image that I know about of a very faint potential planetary nebula in the constellation Perseus called FR 2-23.  FR 2-23 is about the size of the full moon in the sky and consists mainly of HII (Ha) emission with a bit of OIII emission just below the bright area of Ha. Faint Ha emission extends beyond this in a roughly circular pattern. Whether this is a real planetary nebula is unknown and will probably remain so until a spectrum is taken using professional telescopes. The object is at RA 03 14 41.52 Dec +48 07 36.7. There are quite a few faint PGC galaxies and some quasars in the image as can be seen on this annotated image. The image resolution is 1.28 arcsec/pixel. The object was discovered by Dr. David Frew. 

The image was taken from my home observatory under Bortle 5 skies. 

Update:  FR 2-23 was updated to a likely planetary nebula in the HASH planetary nebula database after I shared this image with a colleague interested in planetary nebula who passed it to other planetary nebula researchers.  It's gratifying to be able to help professional astronomers using amateur data that I was able to collect.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Potential planetary nebula FR 2-23, Jon Talbot