Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Draco (Dra)
Abell 2218 in Draco (LRGB), Greg Nelson
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Abell 2218 in Draco (LRGB)

Abell 2218 in Draco (LRGB), Greg Nelson
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Abell 2218 in Draco (LRGB)



Acquisition details



Abell 2218 in Draco has a lovely gravitational lens to observe but despite very long exposure I just could not pull it out of the background noise...

This image was acquired during a hospitalization of my mother and I just let things run every night with no checking on whether I was achieving my objective. I was still in an operational mode to test out the AC4040 High StackPro on-camera stacking. So, while I was able to get high dynamic range and a fixed pattern noise free image, the background noise from moonlight in some of the subs and the higher read noise generated by StackPro just would not let me resolve the arc of smeared galaxies. Perhaps one day I'll come back and acquire some High Gain Long exposure images during new moon to see if I can resolve the lens.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Abell 2218 in Draco (LRGB), Greg Nelson

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Galaxy Clusters