Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Puppis (Pup)  ·  Contains:  HD60431  ·  HD60671  ·  HD60752  ·  HD60795  ·  HD60839  ·  HD61194  ·  HD61290  ·  HD61410  ·  NGC 2427
CG4 - The Cosmic Monster vs Galaxies, Aygen
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CG4 - The Cosmic Monster vs Galaxies

CG4 - The Cosmic Monster vs Galaxies, Aygen
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CG4 - The Cosmic Monster vs Galaxies



Acquisition details



Hi there ! Meet & Greet the Cosmic Monster.

The main “eye-catching” object in this picture features an immense gas cloud known as a cometary globule. As most of the celestial objects surrounding us, globules are known to be the birthplaces of stars, - many, many stars. From a "creative and dreamer" point of view, we may think that this cosmic monster (the cometary globule) is after the tiny, small galaxy just located above it. The truth is that this respective galaxy is quite big, and due to the far distance between the two objects, we may be easily misleaded in our conclusion.

Here is a close up on this monster ! 


With regards to the color, this is a combination of “true colors” (LRGB filters) and “false color” (H-alpha). The overwhelming “reddish” color is the result of the hydrogen alpha in the field of view. Colors of the stars are obtained by thoroughly pulling out the true colors from the above LRGB filters. 

Acquisition details:
Copyright: Aygen Erkaslan (@ae_astrophotography) / Telescope Live
Scope : ASA 50 N located at El Sauce Observatory in Chile
Filters: HaLRGB

I have uploaded three versions:
  1. Original version
  2. Starless version
  3. Close up version

Which one would you choose ?

I hope you will like it. 

Warm regards,



  • Final
    CG4 - The Cosmic Monster vs Galaxies, Aygen
    CG4 - The Cosmic Monster vs Galaxies, Aygen
    CG4 - The Cosmic Monster vs Galaxies, Aygen


Description: Starless version

Uploaded: ...


Description: Close up on the Monster

Uploaded: ...

Sky plot

Sky plot


CG4 - The Cosmic Monster vs Galaxies, Aygen