Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Virgo (Vir)  ·  Contains:  HD109793  ·  IC 3583  ·  M 90  ·  NGC 4569
First Light And A New Beginning (M90), estabrook
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First Light And A New Beginning (M90)

First Light And A New Beginning (M90), estabrook
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First Light And A New Beginning (M90)



Acquisition details



First Light And A New Beginning (M90).  This image represents first light with my new Celestron C8 rig, but I feel like I'm starting the whole hobby from scratch again.  

I've had to re-acquaint myself with SCTs after concentrating on my Askar refractor for the past year, figuring out the rudiments of off-axis guiding, tracking down unusual internal reflections, etc.  After taking some time to order and assemble the all-new rig, it took me a while find a clear night--and some spare time--to test it out.  That has been especially frustrating, since I purchased this scope specifically for galaxy work, and Galaxy Season has been slipping away.  Finally, after some false starts, I had a few productive nights this past week, and I was able to collect enough data to produce my first image.  

Judging from a quick tour of Astrobin, M90 is less popular than many other comparable galactic Messiers--and it appears to be a somewhat tricky target as well (with detail that is hard to capture from typical backyard scopes).  But despite some challenges--the aforementioned reflections, excessive comatic aberration. etc., I'm pleased with this one and equally pleased to be off and running with the new C8.

(Captured: Celestron C8-XLT, AM5, ASI533MC Pro, Antlia Quad Band filter; Processed: AstroPixelProcessor, PixInsight, GraXpert, StarXterminator, NoiseXterminator, Blanshan/Cranfield Star Reduction Script)
