Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Coma Berenices (Com)  ·  Contains:  M 100  ·  NGC 4321  ·  NGC 4322  ·  NGC 4323  ·  NGC 4328
Messier 100, Rick Veregin
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Messier 100

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



Messier 100, with its well-defined spiral arms, is a grand design spiral galaxy, one of the brightest and largest members of the Virgo cluster, and about 55 million light-years distance from us. Messier 100 is a starburst galaxy, with strongest bursts of star formation concentrated within a ring in the centre of the galaxy. Also, Messier 100 has been active with seven observed supernova, the latest SN2020oi discovered 2020/01/07.542 by the Zwicky Transient Facility (a good reference to the supernova is: http://www.rochesterastronomy.org/supernova.html#2020oi

The supernova is located at the bright spot directly under (North) of the bright central core. The supernova has faded, so in my image it is difficult to tell how much of the brightness is due to the supernova, and how much to the central knots around the core. Since I don't have my own base image of M100, I plan to image next year--watch this space for a comparison of the two images. Also, a good target to watch anyway, with supernova in both 2019 and 2020. Here's to good SN hunting!

This image was drizzled 3x in DSS to help bring out the fine detail.



  • Messier 100, Rick Veregin
  • Final
    Messier 100, Rick Veregin


Description: While waiting, somewhat patiently for some passable clear skies, I had time on my hands to redo my Startools processing:
- Stars more in control, but a little deeper in the nebulosity. I combined layers in Photoshop to enable this.
- Lower noise from the processing, with a less severe stretch, led to less noise reduction & better detail

Nothing dramatic in my processing that I can point to, except spending more time, and paying more attention at each step that I am not messing something up. I feel like a doctor, do no harm to the image, and it does seem to work.

Uploaded: 11/27/2020

Sky plot

Sky plot


Messier 100, Rick Veregin