Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Carina (Car)  ·  Contains:  HD303850  ·  HD306159  ·  HD96158  ·  HD96159  ·  HD96176  ·  HD96248  ·  HD96261  ·  HD96286  ·  HD96446  ·  HD96622  ·  HD96638  ·  HD96669  ·  HD96670  ·  HD96671  ·  HD96715  ·  HD96756  ·  HD96810  ·  HD96828  ·  HD96945  ·  HD97151  ·  HD97166  ·  HD97173  ·  HD97222  ·  HD97253  ·  HD97351  ·  HD97381  ·  HD97397  ·  HD97398  ·  HD97399  ·  HD97400  ·  And 6 more.
Open Cluster NGC 3572 and the Southern Tadpoles, Paul Lloyd
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Open Cluster NGC 3572 and the Southern Tadpoles

Open Cluster NGC 3572 and the Southern Tadpoles, Paul Lloyd
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Open Cluster NGC 3572 and the Southern Tadpoles



Acquisition details



Despite its proximity to the Great Carina Nebula from our perspective, the open star cluster, NGC 3572,
lies only some 6,500ly away, putting it in the Carina-Sagittarius spiral arm of our Milky Way galaxy. (The
Great Carina Nebula, NGC 3372, lies some 8,500ly away.) The cluster (just below or south of the nebula)
contains hot, bright, young stars whose stellar winds sculpt the associated birth nebula into many
unusually shaped features, the most obvious being tadpole-like in appearance. The general shape of the
nebula, however, reminds me of a prawn!

This rather obvious nebula does not appear to have a standard catalogue entry. Its location in the
Carina-Sagittarius spiral arm is occasioned by much nebulosity, as can be seen here.

I have used a H+O triband filter in an effort to display the nebula’s features more clearly.

Telescope: Asklar 107PHQ refractor, f=750mm
Camera:     ZWO ASI294MC Pro
Exposure:  36 x 300 sec, Optolong L-eNhance filter, gain=250
                   Bortle 3-4 sky, 90% Moon waning
Field of View: approx. 1º 24’ x 1º 00’
Image processed and prepared in PixInsight and Photoshop Elements



  • Open Cluster NGC 3572 and the Southern Tadpoles, Paul Lloyd
  • Open Cluster NGC 3572 and the Southern Tadpoles, Paul Lloyd
  • Final
    Open Cluster NGC 3572 and the Southern Tadpoles, Paul Lloyd

Sky plot

Sky plot


Open Cluster NGC 3572 and the Southern Tadpoles, Paul Lloyd

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