Hémisphère céleste:  Nord  ·  Constellation: Cassiopeia (Cas)  ·  Contient:  HD5005  ·  IC 1590  ·  LBN 615  ·  LBN 616  ·  NGC 281  ·  Sh2-184
Pacman OSC dual narrowband, Ian McIntyre
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Pacman OSC dual narrowband

Pacman OSC dual narrowband, Ian McIntyre
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Pacman OSC dual narrowband


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Détails d'acquisition

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With a widened sky view after some tree trimming, I am now able to get some more significant integration time each clear night. As noted in the image details, due to the lack of aforementioned clear nights, it took nearly a month to accumulate the ~22 hours of integration time acquired for this image. This is another object at which I am taking a second shot with about 2 years more experience and exponentially increasing financial investment. The image from 2021 was taken with my original DSLR with 300mm lens kit.

I recently learned a technique for obtaining better Oiii color from my OSC with the attached Optolong L-ultimate filter. Its a technique I am still trying to become familiar with. Will likely do some revisions to this and a couple other images I captured with this filter. Additionally, I am still having issues with corner stars resulting in the need to crop.


Nouvelles versions

  • Pacman OSC dual narrowband, Ian McIntyre
  • Finale
    Pacman OSC dual narrowband, Ian McIntyre


Description: Stars fixed with BX2.

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Carte du ciel

Carte du ciel


Pacman OSC dual narrowband, Ian McIntyre