Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Ophiuchus (Oph)  ·  Contains:  M 107  ·  NGC 6171
M107 The Crucifix Cluster (LRGB) - 15 May 2020, Geof Lewis
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M107 The Crucifix Cluster (LRGB) - 15 May 2020

M107 The Crucifix Cluster (LRGB) - 15 May 2020, Geof Lewis
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M107 The Crucifix Cluster (LRGB) - 15 May 2020



Acquisition details



M107 is one of three low, southerly Messier globular clusters that I captured on 15 May 2020, this transiting at some 24 deg altitude was by far the highest and turned out by far the best of the three. It is sometimes called The Crucifix Cluster, so I have displayed the image in portrait orientation to best show the crucifix asterism.



  • Final
    M107 The Crucifix Cluster (LRGB) - 15 May 2020, Geof Lewis
  • M107 The Crucifix Cluster (LRGB) - 15 May 2020, Geof Lewis


Title: Published version

Description: I was contacted a couple of years ago by Ronald Stoyan, the author of the Atlas of the Messier Objects, who asked whether he could use my version of M107 in the revision (2nd Edition) he was producing. I of course said yes and am delighted to see its inclusion in the complimentary copy that I just received from Cambridge University Press.

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Sky plot

Sky plot


M107 The Crucifix Cluster (LRGB) - 15 May 2020, Geof Lewis