Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Ursa Major (UMa)  ·  Contains:  NGC 3733  ·  NGC 3737  ·  NGC 3738  ·  NGC 3756  ·  NGC 3759
Holmberg 266 field mosaic, Michael Lorenz
Holmberg 266 field mosaic
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Holmberg 266 field mosaic

Holmberg 266 field mosaic, Michael Lorenz
Holmberg 266 field mosaic
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Holmberg 266 field mosaic



Acquisition details



This is Holmberg 266, a very low surface brightness galaxy in Ursa Major. It is in the very vicinity of HD100615, a 5.6 mag star. This is my first mosaic and I did it from bortle 8 city. The overlap region was only some pixels, so the usual methods gave rise to severe gradients in the merged mosaic.

I tried to create a seperate set of images just for the overlapping regioon, but waxing moon and desert dust were doing everything and I ended up wasting almost 10h of frames...

I am still happy with the final result as it goes quite deep and shows a very nice field full of galaxies in the forground and very large distance objects in the background.

Holmberg 266 is 56Mly away and measures 80000Ly.

NGC3738, or Arp 234 is the irregular knob left to Homblerg 266. It is an active dwarf galaxy "only" 13Mly away with a diameter of 10000Ly.

Even further to left it NGC3756, a barred spiral 62Mly away measuring 75000Ly. Aparently this one formes the NGC3898 group LGG250.

Now to the top right of Holmberg is NGC3759, a lenticular galaxy. It is much further away at 252Mly and measures 80000Ly. It is bound by gravity to IC2943, which is the small barred spiral below to the right (you have to look carefully, as it looks like a star - the arms are difficult to make out in the small image version). Furthermore there are some very faint structures around NGC3759, maybe the remnants from a collision with another galaxy?

To the top right is NGC3759A, another spiral galaxy. Unfortunately, not much more information seem to be available on this one. If you have one, feel free to comment .

I will add color to this whole field. It is quite remarkable and the very distant galaxies not mentioned here will give a beautiful background to the other galaxy described above.



  • Holmberg 266 field mosaic, Michael Lorenz
  • Holmberg 266 field mosaic, Michael Lorenz
  • Holmberg 266 field mosaic, Michael Lorenz
  • Holmberg 266 field mosaic, Michael Lorenz
  • Holmberg 266 field mosaic, Michael Lorenz
  • Holmberg 266 field mosaic, Michael Lorenz
  • Holmberg 266 field mosaic, Michael Lorenz
  • Final
    Holmberg 266 field mosaic, Michael Lorenz


Description: Holmberg 266 - NGC 3733

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Description: NGC 3738, Arp 234

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Description: NGC 3759

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Description: NGC3759A

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Description: NGC3756

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Description: inverted image of the field

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Description: lowered background brightness

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Sky plot

Sky plot


Holmberg 266 field mosaic, Michael Lorenz