Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)  ·  Contains:  31 Cyg  ·  32 Cyg  ·  37 Cyg)  ·  50 Cyg)  ·  53 Cyg)  ·  54 Cyg  ·  58 Cyg  ·  62 Cyg  ·  63 Cyg  ·  Al Janah (ε Cyg  ·  Arided  ·  Aridif  ·  Arrioph (α Cyg  ·  Crescent Nebula  ·  Cygnus  ·  Gienah Cygni  ·  IC 1311  ·  IC 1369  ·  IC 4996  ·  IC 5068  ·  IC 5070  ·  IC 5076  ·  M 29  ·  NGC 6866  ·  NGC 6871  ·  NGC 6881  ·  NGC 6883  ·  NGC 6884  ·  NGC 6888  ·  NGC 6910  ·  And 22 more.
Sadr / Deneb Region, Chase Newtson
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Sadr / Deneb Region

Sadr / Deneb Region, Chase Newtson
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Sadr / Deneb Region



Acquisition details



Clouds!  Clouds everywhere and every night!!!

Well, tonight I got home around midnight, and sure enough, my sky was clear in my nice bright bortle 7 backyard..  But it has been so long since I have imaged, I grabbed my portable equipment and set it up out on my deck, and managed to capture 9 five minute exposures with 7 being usable with my duo narrowband filter!  was not as long as I hoped, but it was better than nothing.  I love the power of narrowband.

This short but enjoyable session is making me excited for nebula season!!  Which target within this region would be a good target to photograph a bit closer?


Sky plot

Sky plot


Sadr / Deneb Region, Chase Newtson