Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Orion (Ori)  ·  Contains:  13.07  ·  72 Feronia  ·  HD251855  ·  HD251900  ·  HD251924  ·  HD251925  ·  HD251978  ·  HD251979  ·  HD252004  ·  HD252088  ·  HD252089  ·  HD252135  ·  HD252245  ·  HD252333  ·  HD252359  ·  HD252360  ·  HD252387  ·  HD252540  ·  HD252594  ·  HD252650  ·  HD252678  ·  HD252791  ·  HD252816  ·  HD252841  ·  HD252842  ·  HD252871  ·  HD41997  ·  LBN 862  ·  LBN 863  ·  LBN 864  ·  And 2 more.
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Sh-2-261 – Lower's Nebula, Richard Francis
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Sh-2-261 – Lower's Nebula

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Sh-2-261 – Lower's Nebula, Richard Francis
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Sh-2-261 – Lower's Nebula



Acquisition details



This object, Sh2-261 has the name Lower's Nebula. It's named after Harold Lower and his son, Charles Lower, who discovered it photographically in 1939. They were very capable amateur astronomers, based in San Diego, California. They built an 8-inch Schmidt camera and used red-sensitive film and a deep red filter to search for diffuse galactic nebulae – this was one of their discoveries.

The nebula has low surface brightness and is notoriously difficult to image adequately. My image uses 300s sub-exposures and this is not enough.

It is an HII region and there are several, very different distance estimates: 1000 pc, 1800 pc and 2420±584 pc (ie. 3260 ly, 5870 ly and 7890±1900 ly). Even the closest estimate is very distant.



  • Sh-2-261 – Lower's Nebula, Richard Francis
  • Final
    Sh-2-261 – Lower's Nebula, Richard Francis


Description: I modified the colours a bit and reduced the red tinge of the background

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Sh-2-261 – Lower's Nebula, Richard Francis