Pleiades Star Cluster, rcw

Pleiades Star Cluster

Pleiades Star Cluster, rcw

Pleiades Star Cluster



Acquisition details



30 second exposures
64 minutes of data
ISO 800

This is my second attempt at capturing the Pleiades Star Cluster. Mostly testing my gear, finding out what I can improve on with capturing and post processing.

I'm noticing I have what I believe is "walking noise", which could be cause by poor polar alignment. I do need to work on that as it is something I struggle with.

But I was able to capture over an hours worth of data, which I can see brings out more of the emission nebula.

I notice shooting at a lower ISO has reduced noise.

My camera sensor appears to be dirty however, it didn't ruin the target, but there was a large dark spot in the corner frame.

I guess AstroBin isn't really meant to be a diary, but I'm using it as such anyway. Documenting what I need to improve on and sharing my progress and *hopeful* improvement over time.

I shoot in my backyard currently. I notice there is a glow of light coming from the corner, likely one of the street lamps. Currently difficult to get to a dark site.

I think that is however, the least of my problems.

The walking noise is definitely the largest issue at hand and completely unacceptable.

Homework for next session:
- Is it poor polar alignment? Find out how I can get better polar alignment, I'm seemingly getting Polaris properly within the reticule. Is it off? 
- My tripod might be unbalanced actually. It inbetween two different surfaces, which could make for unevenness. This could be the most likely perpetrator if my polar alignment is okay (I'm not expecting perfection on polar alignment)
- How do I dither to hopefully accommodate for such issues?



Pleiades Star Cluster, rcw