Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Carina (Car)  ·  Contains:  Carina Nebula  ·  NGC 3372  ·  eta Car Nebula
NGC 3372 in Natural Narrowband, Andy 01
NGC 3372 in Natural Narrowband
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NGC 3372 in Natural Narrowband

NGC 3372 in Natural Narrowband, Andy 01
NGC 3372 in Natural Narrowband
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NGC 3372 in Natural Narrowband



Acquisition details



Imagine imaging DSO's with a One Shot colour camera but with the added detail of Narrowband. Here we have my interpretation of a "natural" palette, with the Sii on a 'ultrared', Ha in red and Oiii in green and blue channels but with the star colours removed.7hrs of data from early this year, with processing inspired by Jose Carballada. Taken from my light polluted suburban backyard, Bortle 7 - Melbourne Australia.
