Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cassiopeia (Cas)  ·  Contains:  12 Cas  ·  HD1069  ·  HD1142  ·  HD1166  ·  HD1201  ·  HD1239  ·  HD1383  ·  HD1400  ·  HD1544  ·  HD1545  ·  HD1613  ·  HD1697  ·  HD1743  ·  HD1810  ·  HD1843  ·  HD1917  ·  LBN 592  ·  LBN 593  ·  LDN 1280  ·  LDN 1282  ·  LDN 1283  ·  NGC 103  ·  Sh2-172  ·  Sh2-173  ·  The star 12 Cas
Phantom of the Opera  SH2-173, Scott Fisher
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Phantom of the Opera SH2-173

Phantom of the Opera  SH2-173, Scott Fisher
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Phantom of the Opera SH2-173



Acquisition details



Phantom of the Opera Nebula - SH2-173
Svbony 503 102ED with the field flattener for FL 571mm
Canon T5i - not modified for astrophotography
AVX, ZWO 30F4, ASI 120mini
Svbony CLS filter, Optilong Ha filter
8 hours imaging CLS plus calibration frames
8 hour imaging Ha plus calibration frames
APT, PHD2, Siril, Photoshop, StarNet2
CLS Imaged from my backyard on a virtually moonless night with some single malt scotch; and Ha imaged under a Super Moon with whiskey.

The CLS imaging was completed in a single night!!! Yes, the nights are getting longer. I literally set up the rig by 8pm, started imaging once the sunlight had faded from the sky. Enjoyed the evening with beverages as the 5minute subs continued to rolled in. Went to bed, woke up to my early International Plowing Match Setup alarm. Covered the telescope so the birds don't make a mess, completed my calibration images and checked the quality of each sub as I enjoyed a morning coffee. I only rejected one because an airplane flew through the frame. The result of just the CLS data was a little mushy so under the bright Super Moon,  Ha was captured to add to the image. 

Sh2-173 is an emission nebula lying 8,800 light-years from Earth in the constellation Cassiopeia. It is part of the Perseus arm right here at home in our Milky Way Galaxy. Its shape and dark dust clouds bear a resemblance to the mask worn by the Phantom of the Opera in the Broadway musical starring Paul Stanley of KISS in the Toronto shows. Hence it is commonly referred to as the Phantom of the Opera Nebula. It is extremely faint, requiring long exposures.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Phantom of the Opera  SH2-173, Scott Fisher