Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)  ·  Contains:  IC 5068
IC 5068 Emission Nebula in Cygnus, Mark Wetzel
IC 5068 Emission Nebula in Cygnus
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IC 5068 Emission Nebula in Cygnus

IC 5068 Emission Nebula in Cygnus, Mark Wetzel
IC 5068 Emission Nebula in Cygnus
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IC 5068 Emission Nebula in Cygnus



Acquisition details



This project was my first using the SV102T refractor with new Chroma narrowband filters.  5nm Hydrogen-alpha, 3nm Oxygen-III and 3nm Sulfur-II filters were used to capture the ionized gas emission light.  Almost all the subframes were used since they were of very high quality.  Guiding was good with average or better seeing, with the total error ranging between 0.45 and 0.65 arcsec.  Drizzle integration was used in PixInsight to extract fine details from the data.  The SHO image was created using the Multichannel Synthesis script with 100% Sii in the red, 80% Ha in the Green, and 100% Oiii in the blue channel.  StarXTerminator was used to remove the stars in the linear state.  A luminance image was extracted from the SHO RGB color image.  The luminance was used to sharpen the details in the starless nebula.  Starless images were further processed, and the luminance was combined with the SHO RGB color image to produce a sharpened nebula.  The stars were processed separately, and the color was calibrated with the PhotometricCalibration process tool.  I also used the NoiseXTerminator tool from Russ Croman on linear and stretched images.

IC 5086 is an emission region in the constellation Cygnus.  It sits just below the Pelican Nebula and has become a popular target for astrophotographers recently.  It is about 1900 light years from Earth.  The Ha signal is strong, but there is also ionized Oxygen and Sulfur.  The Chroma narrowband filters were very effective in generating high quality data in each band for creating a Hubble Palette false color image.  Dark nebulae form delicate strands as if painted with a brush.

Imaging details:

Stellarvue SVX102T refractor with 0.74x focal reducer (FL = 528mm, f/5.2)
ZWO large off-axis guider with a ZWO ASI 174MM mini guide camera
Losmandy G11 mount with Gemini 2
ZWO ASI 2600MM Pro cooled monochrome camera (-10oC)
Chroma 36mm 5nm Hydrogen-alpha and 3nm Oxygen-III filters
Equatorial camera rotation: 0o

Software:    Sequence Generator Pro, ASTAP plate solving, PHD2 guiding, 
    Losmandy Gemini ASCOM mount control and web client interface,
    SharpCap Pro for polar alignment with the Polemaster camera,
    PixInsight 1.8.9 with StarXTerminator (AI version 10) and NoiseXTerminator,
    Photoshop CC 2022

Hydrogen-alpha    10 min x 20 subframes (200 min), Gain 100, Offset 68, 1x1 binning
Oxygen-III        10 min x 24 subframes (240 min), Gain 100, Offset 68, 1x1 binning
Sulfur-II        10 min x 24 subframes (240 min), Gain 100, Offset 68, 1x1 binning



  • IC 5068 Emission Nebula in Cygnus, Mark Wetzel
  • Final
    IC 5068 Emission Nebula in Cygnus, Mark Wetzel

Sky plot

Sky plot


IC 5068 Emission Nebula in Cygnus, Mark Wetzel