Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Taurus (Tau)  ·  Contains:  52 phi Tau  ·  B10  ·  B211  ·  B213  ·  B214  ·  B216  ·  B7  ·  NGC 1539  ·  The star φTau  ·  VdB27
Barnard 7, Anis Abdul
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Barnard 7

Barnard 7, Anis Abdul
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Barnard 7



Acquisition details



Another one of the Dark Nebula from the rich Taurus Molecular Clouds. I shot this along with Barnard 22. It was hard to pick targets in this area as there are so many interesting structure. My intent was to try and get as much cloud structure to show up as possible. It is very interesting to see the twisting / roiling cloud structures and blue reflection nebulae peeking out from the dust.

I couldn't really find any designations for the reflection nebulae in Simbad

Framing was challenging because the widefield previews dont show much details. I also had to reseat my filters after half of the data was acquired. which resulted in slight rotation of the camera and I had to crop a bit losing some portions.

L - 55x10 minute

R/G/B - 14x10 minute sub


Sky plot

Sky plot


Barnard 7, Anis Abdul