Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Monoceros (Mon)  ·  Contains:  NGC 2170  ·  NGC 2182
NGC 2170 - The Angel in the Unicorn, Casey Good
NGC 2170 - The Angel in the Unicorn
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NGC 2170 - The Angel in the Unicorn

NGC 2170 - The Angel in the Unicorn, Casey Good
NGC 2170 - The Angel in the Unicorn
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NGC 2170 - The Angel in the Unicorn



Acquisition details



Along the border of Orion and Monoceros lies a beautiful angel, NGC 2170. I've always loved this area and was happy to circle back with the CDK to see if I could really flush it out. After a first run through, Steve and I decided that we'd go deeper on the luminance and added an additional 8 hours from the first iteration of the image that I processed in November. It definitely cleaned it up and brought out more of the chocolatey brown dust around the area.


Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC 2170 - The Angel in the Unicorn, Casey Good

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Cloudy Nights