Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Hydra (Hya)  ·  Contains:  IC 879  ·  NGC 5078  ·  NGC 5101
NGC 5078 and NGC 5101 in Hydra, Jim Thommes
NGC 5078 and NGC 5101 in Hydra
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NGC 5078 and NGC 5101 in Hydra

NGC 5078 and NGC 5101 in Hydra, Jim Thommes
NGC 5078 and NGC 5101 in Hydra
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NGC 5078 and NGC 5101 in Hydra



Acquisition details



North is up in this image. NGC 5101 is the face on, barred spiral galaxy on the left. NGC 5078 is the edge on spiral galaxy on the right. Further to the right of NGC 5078 is the galaxy IC 870 which has the additional entry as IC 4222. These three galaxies are part of the galaxy group [CHM2007] HDC 782. This group has six members - three in this field that only captures the Southeast quadrant of the group's angular area. The three galaxies are from 73 to 120 million light years distant. There are numerous background galaxies in this field - some with distances estimated by redshift to be over a billion light years distant. These galaxies and some of the brighter stars are identified in the annotated image. Horizontal FOV is approximately 38 arc minutes.
