Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Carina (Car)  ·  Contains:  Carina Nebula  ·  IC 2599  ·  NGC 3293  ·  NGC 3324  ·  NGC 3372  ·  The star t1 Car  ·  The star w Car  ·  eta Car Nebula
Carina nebula and sorroudings, THIAGO GILBERTO DO PRADO
Carina nebula and sorroudings
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Carina nebula and sorroudings

Carina nebula and sorroudings, THIAGO GILBERTO DO PRADO
Carina nebula and sorroudings
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Carina nebula and sorroudings



Acquisition details



In this image, RGB (l-PRO) and narrowband (l-ultimate) filters were used. The natural colors of an RGB capture were maintained by mixing the signals, as were the stars in RGB. A very wide field with nebulas like a keyhole, Gabriela Mistral among others. Just like a nice open cluster.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Carina nebula and sorroudings, THIAGO GILBERTO DO PRADO