Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Orion (Ori)  ·  Contains:  HD38119  ·  HD38155  ·  HD38165  ·  HD38203  ·  HD38238  ·  HD38248  ·  HD38310  ·  HD38311  ·  HD38323  ·  HD38529  ·  HD38530  ·  HD38589  ·  HD38784  ·  HD38823  ·  HD38856  ·  HD38880  ·  HD39000  ·  HD39008  ·  HD39033  ·  LBN 933  ·  LBN 934  ·  LBN 938  ·  LBN 939  ·  M 78  ·  NGC 2064  ·  NGC 2067  ·  NGC 2068  ·  NGC 2071  ·  PK204-13.1  ·  VdB59  ·  And 1 more.
M78 WIP - With color, Alex Nicholas
Powered byPixInsight

M78 WIP - With color

Revision title: 10 months more PixInsight skill on old data.

M78 WIP - With color, Alex Nicholas
Powered byPixInsight

M78 WIP - With color

Revision title: 10 months more PixInsight skill on old data.



Acquisition details



I finally got a chance to get some colour data for my M78 that I started in November.

This image is a combination of 80x300s L frames from my SBIG ST8300M ccd, and 19x180s OSC frames from the PlayerOne Artemis C Pro.

Its got a long way to go before it's finished, but finally - there is some colour!



  • M78 WIP - With color, Alex Nicholas
  • Final
    M78 WIP - With color, Alex Nicholas


Title: 10 months more PixInsight skill on old data.

Description: As with the Lum only image, here's my M78 data from November/December last year, revisited with 10mths more knowledge in PixInsight. The difference in the result is quite astounding!

Thanks to the community for all the assistance in the learning process.

Uploaded: ...

Sky plot

Sky plot


M78 WIP - With color, Alex Nicholas