Contains:  Solar system body or event
Rilles near Tranquility Base, Malcolm Loro

Rilles near Tranquility Base

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging
Rilles near Tranquility Base, Malcolm Loro

Rilles near Tranquility Base

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



Lunar rilles are long, narrow depressions or channels on the Moon's surface, resembling trenches or valleys. This area, just west of the Apollo 11 landing sight features several interesting examples in a geologically active area of the Moon. You can find photos of these taken by Apollo 10 during their mission to observe and photograph the planned Apollo 11 landing site.

Ariadaeus Rille is a prominent example of a linear rille, extending about 300 km, resulting from of tectonic activity. Specifically, it is thought to be a graben—a section of the lunar crust that has sunk between two parallel fault lines where the Moon’s crust cracked and stretched, causing the surface between the two faults to sink.

Hyginus Rille is a sinuous rille, extending about 220 km. It is believed to have been formed by volcanic processes, rather than tectonic forces. It is unusual because it is intersected by Hyginus Crater, which is about 10km in diameter and sits roughly at the midpoint of the rille. Rather than being an impact crater, this crater is thought to be a volcanic caldera, a large, basin-like depression that forms when a volcano erupts and collapses in on itself, which is relatively rare on the Moon.

Triesnecker Rille is a remarkable lunar rille system located near the Triesnecker Crater. It consists of a network of straight and slightly curved rilles, the most prominent forming a “V” shape, likely formed by tectonic forces. Some parts of the rille system could also have been influenced by volcanic activity, particularly the movement of magma beneath the surface, which may have contributed to crustal stresses.



  • Rilles near Tranquility Base, Malcolm Loro
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    Rilles near Tranquility Base, Malcolm Loro


Rilles near Tranquility Base, Malcolm Loro