Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Centaurus (Cen)  ·  Contains:  Alpha Centauri  ·  Bungula (α1 Cen)  ·  NGC 5606  ·  NGC 5617  ·  PK313+01.1  ·  PK315-00.1  ·  PK315-01.1  ·  Proksima Kentavra  ·  R Cen  ·  The star Rigil Kentaurus  ·  The star α2 Cen  ·  Toliman  ·  alf Cen
Alpha Cen to RCW 85 starfield mosaic in Ha, Alexandr Zaytsev
Alpha Cen to RCW 85 starfield mosaic in Ha, Alexandr Zaytsev

Alpha Cen to RCW 85 starfield mosaic in Ha

Revision title: Original version of the image manually annotated for the objects of interest

Alpha Cen to RCW 85 starfield mosaic in Ha, Alexandr Zaytsev
Alpha Cen to RCW 85 starfield mosaic in Ha, Alexandr Zaytsev

Alpha Cen to RCW 85 starfield mosaic in Ha

Revision title: Original version of the image manually annotated for the objects of interest



Acquisition details



4h 20min of integral Ha exposure of the region between Alpha Cen and RCW 85 object, featuring numerous emission, reflection, planetary and dark nebulae and RCW 85 HII region - captured remotely using Telescope #5 (Officina Stellare Riccardi-Honders RH200 D = 200mm f/3, FLI Microline 16200) system of ChileScope on Apr 26 and 30, 2023.

The image is a two tile mosaic comprised of 12 frames stacked for tile 1 on the RCW85 side collected on Apr 26, 2023 and 14 frames stacked for tile 2 on the Alpha Cen side collected on Apr 30, 2023.

Besides the RCW 85 which is also captured earlier under [1] and [2] with Chilescope T3 and T1 instruments

[1] https://www.astrobin.com/502va6/

[2] https://www.astrobin.com/s69kvh/

the most prominent objects in this field are the open star cluster NGC 5617 accompanied by a smaller open cluster Cl Pismis 19 [3], [3(a-c)] (on the right) and PK 315-00.1 (Henize 2-111) planetary nebula of an unusual "barred spiral" shape (in the left lower corner):


[3] http://simbad.cds.unistra.fr/simbad/sim-id?Ident=Cl+Pismis+19&

[3(a)] https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1086/300443

[3(b)] https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1086/300443/pdf

[3(c)] https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article/347/2/625/1747096

The circular halo around R Cen is an aperture effect: 


Furthermore, PK 315-01.1 (PN LoTr 9) planetary nebula [4] is also visible in this frame in the lower left side (zoom to 200% of original resolution in the cropped image below): 


[4] http://simbad.cds.unistra.fr/simbad/sim-id?Ident=PN+LoTr+9&

A wider FOV image of the central part of Cir-Cen starfield obtained with Chilescope T4 instrument are also available under [5]:

[5] https://www.astrobin.com/gcqtmj/

The original resolution for the custom annotated original image (revision B) is also available under [6]:

[6] https://coalsack.online/chilescope/Cen_2023Q2/Cen_T5_26x600s_Ha_pan2_at_r.jpg

Two diffuse objects identified as "aCen Nebula X1" and "aCen Nebula X2" and annotated accordingly on revisions E, F and H are also identified on the images obtained earlier with Chilescope T3 instrument under [11] and the close-up image of "aCen Nebula X2" was also later obtained with Chilescope T1 instrument under [12]:

[11] https://www.astrobin.com/i72dq4/

[12] https://www.astrobin.com/84nak0/



  • Final
    Alpha Cen to RCW 85 starfield mosaic in Ha, Alexandr Zaytsev
  • Alpha Cen to RCW 85 starfield mosaic in Ha, Alexandr Zaytsev
  • Alpha Cen to RCW 85 starfield mosaic in Ha, Alexandr Zaytsev
  • Alpha Cen to RCW 85 starfield mosaic in Ha, Alexandr Zaytsev
  • Alpha Cen to RCW 85 starfield mosaic in Ha, Alexandr Zaytsev
  • Alpha Cen to RCW 85 starfield mosaic in Ha, Alexandr Zaytsev
  • Alpha Cen to RCW 85 starfield mosaic in Ha, Alexandr Zaytsev
  • Alpha Cen to RCW 85 starfield mosaic in Ha, Alexandr Zaytsev
  • Alpha Cen to RCW 85 starfield mosaic in Ha, Alexandr Zaytsev
  • Alpha Cen to RCW 85 starfield mosaic in Ha, Alexandr Zaytsev


Title: Original version of the image custom annotated with PixInsight tools

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Title: Version of the image with partial star suppression applied

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Title: Version of the image with full star suppression applied, for better identification aperture effects and diffuse structures

Description: The arc in the middle and the large circular structure on the right are likely the result of scattered light from Alpha Cen.

Uploaded: ...


Title: Original version of the image manually annotated for the objects of interest

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Title: Original version of the image with full star suppression manually annotated for the objects of interest

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Title: A subframe of the original image with full star suppression for the vicinity of Alpha Cen

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Title: A subframe of the original image with full star suppression for the vicinity of Alpha Cen - manually annotated

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Title: A subframe of the version of the image with full star suppression for the RCW 85 region

Description: Higher resolution version of the same scene is available under [13]:

[13] https://www.astrobin.com/502va6/D/

Uploaded: ...


Title: Original version of the image manually annotated for the objects of interest with 2 additional overlays

Description: Overlays on the right showing narrower FOV images obtained with Chilescope T3 instrument published under [14] and [15]:

[14] https://www.astrobin.com/6vb6nv/0/

[15] https://www.astrobin.com/502va6/0/

Uploaded: ...

Sky plot

Sky plot


Alpha Cen to RCW 85 starfield mosaic in Ha, Alexandr Zaytsev