Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Sagittarius (Sgr)  ·  Contains:  11 Sgr  ·  IC 1274  ·  IC 4684  ·  IC 4685  ·  Lagoon Nebula  ·  M 20  ·  M 8  ·  NGC 6514  ·  NGC 6523  ·  NGC 6526  ·  NGC 6530  ·  NGC 6546  ·  NGC 6559  ·  The star 1 Sgr  ·  The star 4 Sgr  ·  The star 5 Sgr  ·  The star 7 Sgr  ·  The star 9 Sgr  ·  Trifid Nebula
M8 and M20 from Pinnacles, verticalmagic
M8 and M20 from Pinnacles
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M8 and M20 from Pinnacles

M8 and M20 from Pinnacles, verticalmagic
M8 and M20 from Pinnacles
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M8 and M20 from Pinnacles



Acquisition details



Shot from Bortle 3 Pinnacles East, CA, my first time there with astro gear. Also first time using the HEUIB II filter...


Sky plot

Sky plot


M8 and M20 from Pinnacles, verticalmagic