Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Sculptor (Scl)  ·  Contains:  HD4555  ·  HD4572  ·  HD4631  ·  NGC 253  ·  Sculptor Filament  ·  Sculptor galaxy  ·  Silver Coin
Sculptor Galaxy V2, Anis Abdul
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Sculptor Galaxy V2

Sculptor Galaxy V2, Anis Abdul
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Sculptor Galaxy V2



Acquisition details



This is a reprocess of my Sculptor data and in spite of it being low in the sky, I got good data  (RGB data wasn't very good but L had good seeing) when I shot this.

However, I wasn't very sure about my earlier processing. With Blurxterminator getting a lot of attention, I figured I will test it out and picked this one again. Very impressive tool for sure. The processing turned out to be very simple. Blurx on linear L and then stretch it and add it to RGB and then run Starxterminator to push the galaxy a bit more + Local histogram Equalization and re-add the stars back! 

L - 48x10 mins
R/G/B = 10x10 mins per channel


Sky plot

Sky plot


Sculptor Galaxy V2, Anis Abdul