Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Coma Berenices (Com)  ·  Contains:  IC 3571  ·  NGC 4565
Needle Galaxy - NGC 4565, Jeff Coldrey
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Needle Galaxy - NGC 4565

Needle Galaxy - NGC 4565, Jeff Coldrey
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Needle Galaxy - NGC 4565



Acquisition details



Hi Folks!

It may be a couple of months before persistent smoke haze fully clears from the east coast of Australia.

So I have gratefully processed data shared via the Misti Mountain Observatory website:


Many thanks to Jim Misti for generously making his data sets available for all to enjoy!

I really enjoy viewing images of this magnificent edge-on galaxy, especially the prominent central bulge which reminds me a little of the Sombrero Galaxy.

Acquisition Details


Ritchey-Chretien 32" Telescope

SBIG STL-11000 CCD camera

12 x 5 minutes Luminance unbinned

4 x 5 minutes each R/G/B unbinned

April 2005


Sky plot

Sky plot


Needle Galaxy - NGC 4565, Jeff Coldrey