Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Centaurus (Cen)  ·  Contains:  IC 2872  ·  IC 2944  ·  IC 2948  ·  NGC 3766  ·  Pearl Cluster  ·  The star λ Cen  ·  lam Cen Nebula
Lambda Centauri Vortex - IC 2944 in Narrowband + RGB Stars, Andy 01
Lambda Centauri Vortex - IC 2944 in Narrowband + RGB Stars, Andy 01

Lambda Centauri Vortex - IC 2944 in Narrowband + RGB Stars

Lambda Centauri Vortex - IC 2944 in Narrowband + RGB Stars, Andy 01
Lambda Centauri Vortex - IC 2944 in Narrowband + RGB Stars, Andy 01

Lambda Centauri Vortex - IC 2944 in Narrowband + RGB Stars



Acquisition details



Hi fellow Astrophotographers!

This two-panel mosaic features the entirety of IC2944, also known as The "Running Chicken" Nebula' or The 'Lambda Centauri' Nebula.
Using my new Atik APX60 mono camera, I've mapped Sii in Rose Gold, Ha in red, and Oiii in aquamarine - with RGB stars to complement this "Natural (ish) Narrowband" palette.

This image comprises around 33 hours of data collection, thanks to the support of my Astro buddy 'Blue' on his rural property in Victoria, Australia.
During my recovery from Bilateral Knee Replacements, Blue graciously managed the gear operations. I'm grateful for his assistance and glad to report that I'm fully recovered now!
I also appreciate the assistance of @Steeve Body in correcting a slight tilt issue in the RGB stars while I'm still optimizing this new system's spacing.

Details of interest...

During processing, I noticed an intriguing Unclassified Object at the top left of the frame, reminiscent of a miniature Vela Supernova Remnant. I'm unsure of its identity.
Perhaps @Bray Falls or @Marcel Dreschler could lend their expertise to identify this enigmatic feature?

EDIT: Update - It's the SNR G296.1-00.5. many thanks to Marcel & Bray.
It seems that I have accidentally captured approx 15% of this thing!

Screenshot 2024-02-26 at 5.47.18 pm.png
And there's a cute little Planetary Pebula PN294.9 in there too! (Yes it's only in RGB to it see more clearly, I masked out the NB behind)
PN's are a region of cosmic gas and dust formed from the cast-off outer layers of a dying star.
Screenshot 2024-02-25 at 4.56.48 pm.png

NGC 3766 - The Pearl Cluster was born in the Carina molecular cloud, a vast star-forming region that lies at approximately between 6,500 and 10,000 ly distant. This very pretty cluster includes the barely stable star Eta Carinae (η Car), which one day will explode as a spectacular supernova.

Screenshot 2024-02-26 at 5.37.18 pm.png

And my favourite details, the "Misty Mountain" IC 2948 is the brightest emission and reflection nebulae towards the southwest, 
and the star-forming 'Bok Globules', (known as the Thackeray globules after the astronomer who discovered them in 1950) which are frequently a site of active star formation.
However, no evidence of star formation has been found in any of the globules in IC 2944.
Screenshot 2024-02-25 at 12.12.14 pm.png

Gum 39 and IC 2872 (or Gum 40) Gum 39 is the bright emission nebula on the left, centered around the blue, hot star O6 V HD99897.
IC 2872 is the brightest part of the large diffuse nebula on the right. IC 2872 has two or three bright lobes, perhaps defined (as in the Trifid Nebula) by dust lanes.
Screenshot 2024-02-26 at 5.08.51 pm.png

And for fans of pareidolia, there’s a "Coal Miner"  busily stoking the celestial fires!
Screenshot 2024-02-25 at 12.12.24 pm.png

..and last but not least, let's not overlook this hungry Crocodile! 
Screenshot 2024-02-25 at 5.00.19 pm.png



    Lambda Centauri Vortex - IC 2944 in Narrowband + RGB Stars, Andy 01
    Lambda Centauri Vortex - IC 2944 in Narrowband + RGB Stars, Andy 01


Title: Starless version

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Sky plot


Lambda Centauri Vortex - IC 2944 in Narrowband + RGB Stars, Andy 01

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