Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Pegasus (Peg)  ·  Contains:  NGC 7331  ·  NGC 7333  ·  NGC 7335  ·  NGC 7336  ·  NGC 7337  ·  NGC 7338  ·  NGC 7340
The Deer Lick Group - NGC 7331 and its "Fleas", Jeff Kisslinger
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The Deer Lick Group - NGC 7331 and its "Fleas"

The Deer Lick Group - NGC 7331 and its "Fleas", Jeff Kisslinger
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The Deer Lick Group - NGC 7331 and its "Fleas"



Acquisition details



I've wanted to image this target for the last few years but I never had a mount that tracked good enough to capture a target like this at f7. When I bought the iOptron CEM70 I knew I would be able to give this galaxy a shot.  All seemed to go well and I'm excited to try my Edge HD 11 at f10 for the first time.

I started shooting this target bin 1 mode with my ASI2600mc pro and then switched to 2X2 mode. The seeing conditions in the Midwest are usually average to below average and I realized that I probably would not see any difference in resolution between bin 1 or bin 2 mode. When I looked at both sets of calibrated and stacked images, I was correct in that there was really no noticeable difference in the resolution of the final images.

The other thing I did with this image for the first time was dither and WOW! I can't believe how much of an improvement it made with the image noise. The dither set-up was fairly easy in SharpCap and I can't believe I didn't attempt this previously. Using an OAG the image scale for both the guider and scope were the same which made the set-up for the first time easy. Moving forward, I will be dithering all the time.
