Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)  ·  Contains:  31 Vul  ·  32 Vul  ·  48 Cyg  ·  49 Cyg  ·  52 Cyg  ·  53 Cyg)  ·  53 eps Cyg  ·  54 Cyg  ·  54 lam Cyg  ·  Al Janah (ε Cyg  ·  BW Vul  ·  Cygnus  ·  DT Cyg  ·  Gienah  ·  Gienah Cygni  ·  HD195790  ·  HD195835  ·  HD196021  ·  HD196022  ·  HD196243  ·  HD196448  ·  HD196629  ·  HD196674  ·  HD196852  ·  HD196928  ·  HD196954  ·  HD196972  ·  HD197120  ·  HD197206  ·  HD197207  ·  And 103 more.
Cygnus loop @ 135mm, framoro
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Cygnus loop @ 135mm

Cygnus loop @ 135mm, framoro
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Cygnus loop @ 135mm



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The well-known and largely imaged Veil nebula in the constellation of Cygnus.
The nebula is an ancient supernova remnant; the star that originated this object exploded several millennia ago. What is now visible are very faint filaments, still expanding at a speed of tens of km/s; several filaments can be distinguished, arranged in three main groups: the westernmost is that of NGC 6960 (C 34), in the direction of the bright star 52 Cygni; the second, a little further east, is formed by the nebulae NGC 6974 and NGC 6979, arranged with its concavity to the east like the previous one; the last, to the east, is formed by the sections NGC 6992 (C 33) and NGC 6995 (to which IC 1340 is added), oriented in a mirror-like manner with respect to the other two. (Wikipedia)



  • Cygnus loop @ 135mm, framoro
  • Cygnus loop @ 135mm, framoro
  • Final
    Cygnus loop @ 135mm, framoro


Description: Total re-elaboration following Nico Carver tutorial.

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Cygnus loop @ 135mm, framoro

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