Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Serpens (Ser)  ·  Contains:  HD165319  ·  HD165442  ·  HD165548  ·  HD165630  ·  HD165703  ·  HD165719  ·  HD165994  ·  HD166103  ·  HD166387  ·  HD166623  ·  HD166897  ·  LBN 58  ·  LBN 61  ·  PK015+03.1  ·  Sh2-46
PNG 015.5+02.8  with Sharpless 2-46, the HD 165319 stellar bow shock, and StDr 31, Peter Goodhew
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PNG 015.5+02.8 with Sharpless 2-46, the HD 165319 stellar bow shock, and StDr 31

PNG 015.5+02.8  with Sharpless 2-46, the HD 165319 stellar bow shock, and StDr 31, Peter Goodhew
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PNG 015.5+02.8 with Sharpless 2-46, the HD 165319 stellar bow shock, and StDr 31



Acquisition details



PNG 015.5+02.8 is a faint 9 arcminute planetary nebula in Serpens at the center of this image.  It has no detectable OIII emission.
Sharpless 2-46 is the large bright nebula to the right of the image. It is around half the angular width as the moon and is around 2,000 light years from Earth. It is ionised by the bright supergiant star HD 1165319.  The star has created a Bow Shock to its right which also contains OIII emission.
Close to the left hand edge of the image is planetary nebula StDr 31 which was recently discovered by my good friends @Marcel Drechsler  and @Xavier Strottner.
This was a joint project with the Astronomical Society of Edinburgh who provided additional H-alpha data for PNG 015.5+02.8 using their ASE Remote Observatory at Trevinca Skies in Spain.
