Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Canes Venatici (CVn)  ·  Contains:  M 94  ·  NGC 4736
Messier 94 - The Cat’s Eye Galaxy, Henrique Silva
Messier 94 - The Cat’s Eye Galaxy
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Messier 94 - The Cat’s Eye Galaxy

Messier 94 - The Cat’s Eye Galaxy, Henrique Silva
Messier 94 - The Cat’s Eye Galaxy
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Messier 94 - The Cat’s Eye Galaxy



Acquisition details



Messier 94 (NGC 4736) is a spiral galaxy located 16 million light-years away in the constellation Canes Venatici. It was discovered in 1781 by Pierre Méchain.
The galaxy has two ring structures, M94 is an oval distortion which led to the creation of this galaxy's peripheral disk.

There are several possible external events that could have led to the origin of M94's outer disk including the accretion of a satellite galaxy or the gravitational interaction with a nearby star system.

Mount: SW EQ6-r guided ASI120MM
Telescope: Tecnosky 115/800
Camera: QHY294MM
Filters: Baader Neodymium (L) ; Optolong RGB
Frames: Gain 500 | -10ºC
R:G:B: 80 x 90s each channel

Acquisition: Sharpcap; APT
Edition: PixInsight Core; PS

Sabugo - Portugal (Bortle 6/7)
