Contains:  Solar system body or event
Highly Active Sun - 2024/07/30 - SW150 f/8 DS @ F64 - region #1, Ed Astle

Highly Active Sun - 2024/07/30 - SW150 f/8 DS @ F64 - region #1

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging
Highly Active Sun - 2024/07/30 - SW150 f/8 DS @ F64 - region #1, Ed Astle

Highly Active Sun - 2024/07/30 - SW150 f/8 DS @ F64 - region #1

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



Altair "152" DERF, SW150 f/8, Televue PowerMate x2, Baader TZ4S, 2x Lunt 40 etalons, Edmund Optics 0.5nm Ha filter.
Player One Apollo M-MAX camera. And a ton of extender bits to make it focus.

This region intrigued me as it seemed to be "smothered".
Perhaps a birds eye view of a prominence / filament.

Gain 150, 12 ms exposure.

Basic processing in GIMP:
1. Use Levels to draw the dark end inward
2. Unsharp mask
3. Contrast boost using curves

This image has issues.
There are so many glass parts in the system now and they are not playing nicely.
But I don't care. More problems to solve!



Highly Active Sun - 2024/07/30 - SW150 f/8 DS @ F64 - region #1, Ed Astle

In these collections

Skywatcher 150 Solar